How Our Services Can Benefit You With Your Dr. Mona Gosh Claim

Legal Representation for Patients of Dr. Mona Ghosh

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60 W Randolph Street, Suite 400
Chicago, IL 60601

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How Our Services Can Benefit You With Your Dr. Mona Gosh Case

Attorneys Defending Former Patients of Dr. Mona Gosh Against Medical Malpractice and Health Care Fraud

Patients expect doctors and other medical providers to provide them with high-quality care, address their needs and concerns, inform them of their options, and take all necessary steps to protect their health and well-being. Unfortunately, patients are not always treated correctly by doctors. While there are some cases where medical providers may act negligently or make mistakes, some of the most egregious situations involve doctors who put their own self-interest ahead of their patients and take actions that cause people to suffer harm. One of the most concerning examples of these practices was recently uncovered in the Chicago area, where Dr. Mona Ghosh is facing charges of health care fraud.

Patients who were treated by Dr. Ghosh or received services at her clinic, Progressive Women's Healthcare, S.C., may have been provided with unnecessary services or received invasive tests that were not needed based on their conditions and medical histories. Dr. Ghosh has been charged with federal crimes involving billing for medical services that were never provided to patients and performing procedures that were not considered to be medically necessary, including endometrial biopsies and endometrial ablations. Patients who underwent unnecessary medical treatments or tests from Dr. Ghosh may be facing serious repercussions that could affect their health and their financial well-being, and they may be able to work with an experienced attorney at Birth Injury Law Alliance, Ltd. to address these issues.

How Our Attorneys Can Assist Patients Who Received Unnecessary Treatment

Our team understands the ways patients can be affected by improper treatment from doctors or other medical providers. When patients undergo invasive procedures, they may experience significant physical pain and discomfort that may affect their daily lives for months or years. They may also experience complications that could lead to ongoing health issues, and they may need to seek out additional medical treatment to address these concerns and maintain their overall health. Those who suffer serious conditions may experience disabilities that could affect their ability to work, leading to a loss of income and other problems that may affect them and their families.

We can provide effective legal help and representation for patients who have suffered harm at the hands of medical providers who did not have their best interests at heart. We can advise patients in these situations of their options for pursuing civil claims, including the applicable statutes of limitations that may apply to them. During these cases, we can help compile information demonstrating that the treatment they received went against the standards of care for the medical profession while also documenting the extent of their damages. This can help ensure that a person will be able to receive financial compensation that will fully address their damages and allow them and their families to move forward from this difficult experience.

We also provide other forms of assistance to help patients navigate these situations effectively and address their ongoing needs and concerns. We advise our clients on the resources that may be available to them in their communities, including public assistance they may be able to receive, therapists or counselors who can help address the emotional trauma a person and their family members have experienced, and groups or organizations that advocate for patients' rights. We can also help our patients respond to requests from the FBI and provide information that may be helpful in criminal investigations and prosecutions, ensuring that justice will be served.

Contact Our Chicago Unnecessary Medical Treatment Attorneys

The team at Birth Injury Law Alliance, Ltd. can help patients understand their rights and options as they determine what steps to take to recover compensation for losses incurred due to the unnecessary procedures or tests performed by Dr. Mona Ghosh. If you or a member of your family have been a victim of health care fraud and medical malpractice, we will work to protect your interests and ensure that you will be able to move forward after this difficult experience. Contact us and set up a complimentary consultation by calling 312-462-4200.

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