CDC Reports the Expected Lifetime Cost of Cerebral Palsy is $1 Million | Cook County Medical Malpractice Attorney

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CDC Reports the Expected Lifetime Cost of Cerebral Palsy is $1 Million

 Posted on March 12,2021 in Cerebral Palsy

Cook County medical negligence attorney

Little can prepare a parent for the news that their child suffers from a disability like cerebral palsy. In addition to the grief, shock, and anger a parent may understandably feel, they must also contend with the massive financial impact the disability can cause. In one study, it was estimated that the costs associated with a cerebral palsy diagnosis total approximately $1 million. If your child is suffering from cerebral palsy caused by substandard medical care, it is important to know your options for seeking restitution.

Medical and Educational Expenses for a Child with Cerebral Palsy

A 2004 study published by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) investigated the direct and indirect costs of a child developing cerebral palsy. The study was, and still is, one of the most comprehensive evaluations of its kind. Researchers found that the average lifetime cost of cerebral palsy per person totaled approximately $921,000 in 2003 dollars. Adjusted for inflation, that equates to $1,326,128 in 2021. It is important to note that this estimate does not include the financial losses suffered by caregivers due to lost income and productivity and other out-of-pocket expenses.

The financial losses resulting from cerebral palsy typically include:

  • Loss of productivity and premature mortality experienced by the cerebral palsy sufferer

  • Medical costs including physician and specialist appointments, hospitalization, surgery, physical therapy, speech therapy, assistive devices, and medication

  • Special education costs

  • Non-direct medical expenses including vehicle and home modifications needed to accommodate a disabled child

Seeking Compensation Through a Medical Malpractice Claim

There are many reasons that a child may develop cerebral palsy. For some, the cause is directly related to a medical professional’s negligence during the child’s birth. Maternal infections, lack of oxygen to the infant’s brain, trauma, fetal stroke, and other complications during labor and delivery can lead to cerebral palsy. If an infant suffers a preventable birth injury that causes cerebral palsy, a doctor or medical facility may be liable for damages. The parents of the child may have a right to compensation through a medical malpractice claim.

If your child’s cerebral palsy was caused by substandard medical care, you may be entitled to compensation for:

  • Medical expenses including therapies, surgeries, hospital care, and physical care

  • Out-of-pocket expenses

  • Medical devices and equipment

  • Lost income and earning capacity

  • Non-economic damages including physical pain, emotional and mental suffering, and lost enjoyment of life

Contact a Chicago Cerebral Palsy Birth Injury Lawyer

The costs associated with cerebral palsy are enormous. If a child’s cerebral palsy is caused by medical negligence, the child’s parents may recover compensation through a medical malpractice claim. A knowledgeable Cook County birth injury attorney from Birth Injury Law Alliance, Ltd. can investigate the cause of your child’s disability and provide tenacious legal advocacy. Call 312-462-4200 to schedule a free consultation.



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