Does Stem Cell Therapy Show Promise for Children with Autism? | Illinois

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Does Stem Cell Therapy Show Promise for Children with Autism?

 Posted on July 20,2022 in Birth Injury

Chicago birth injury attorneyThe process of pregnancy and birth ends well for most children, but it also presents a long period of complicated genetic development during which a child’s body and brain are fragile and susceptible to injuries. Many of these injuries can happen because of recklessness or carelessness on the part of childbirth healthcare providers, and a surprising number of injuries appear to be linked to a higher risk of developing autism. 

While there are many treatments and therapies for autism, a child with autism may need medical, social, and educational support for the rest of their life. If your child suffered from a birth injury and now has autism, you may want to see whether you can take action against the person or organization responsible. 

Which Birth Injuries May Cause or Contribute to Autism? 

Several birth injuries are correlated with much higher rates of autism in young children, although it is difficult to establish a direct link between one particular occurrence and the later manifestation of autism. However, birth injuries that are frequently associated with autism later on include: 

What Do We Know About Stem Cell Therapy and Autism? 

Because stem cell therapy for autism is still in its developmental infancy, so to speak, parents often rely on treatment from clinics that are operating without FDA approval. But so far, there is some evidence that stem cell therapy can improve regulation of the immune system and neural connectivity in the brain, especially for nonverbal children or children with an IQ under 70. 

Parents who are considering stem cell therapy for their autistic child should be wary of treatment promising cures that seem too good to be true. Children can participate in registered clinical trials in the United States, although these trials tend to fill up quickly and there may be experimental trials that are not safe. Before committing your child to any kind of clinical trial, research extensively and consult trusted healthcare professionals. 

Contact a Cook County Birth Injuries Attorney

If your child has autism or another neurological condition that gets in the way of normal functioning, you may be wondering whether anyone can be held responsible. While many factors may contribute to a child developing autism, explore whether you can pinpoint a causal link with the help of a Chicago, IL birth injury attorney with Birth Injury Law Alliance, Ltd.. We offer free, no-pressure consultations. Call us today at 312-462-4200



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