How Can C-Section Deliveries Cause Injuries to the Mother and Child? | Illinois Birth Injury Attorney

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How Can C-Section Deliveries Cause Injuries to the Mother and Child?

 Posted on July 22,2021 in Birth Injury

Chicago attorneys for C-Section InjuriesThe process of labor and childbirth is complicated, and it can be influenced by many factors, including the mother’s health and the development of the fetus. In many cases, vaginal deliveries are not possible, and doctors must make an important decision to proceed with a Cesarean delivery, or C-section, at the right time. However, Cesarean deliveries can be risky, and unfortunately, both the mother and child can suffer injuries due to improperly timed deliveries and other medical errors.

Common Injuries Related to C-Section Procedures

A C-section is a surgical procedure, and as with other types of surgeries, there is a possibility of error on the part of the operating doctor or other health care providers who are involved in the process. Mothers and babies could suffer a variety of injuries during or after the C-section, including:

  • Wounds from surgical instruments - An error in the process of making the incision or extracting the child from the uterus could cause injuries to the mother’s internal organs or laceration injuries to the child, both of which could be accompanied by excessive bleeding. 

  • Infections - Improper sterilization of surgical tools or cleaning of the incision could cause infections to develop in the mother after the procedure is complete.

  • Medication injuries - A mother could suffer harm due to improper dosage or administration of anesthesia in preparation for the procedure.

  • Respiration complications - Babies who are birthed through a Cesarean delivery can have difficulty breathing normally, and doctors should be prepared to provide the necessary treatment to help the infant.

Injuries Related to the Timing of Cesarean Deliveries

A child can also experience serious health complications when doctors proceed with a C-section delivery either too early or too late. If a doctor recommends a C-section too early in the child’s gestation, complications may be similar to those for an infant born through a premature vaginal delivery, including low birth weight and problems with the respiratory, circulatory, and immune systems.


On the other hand, if a doctor delays a necessary C-section, the infant can suffer from the effects of prolonged labor, including a lack of oxygen that may lead to a condition known as hypoxic ischemic encephalopathy (HIE), in which blood flow to the brain is restricted. HIE can cause infant death or long-term conditions like cerebral palsy.

Contact a Chicago, IL Birth Injury Attorney

A C-section is often the best choice for both mothers and infants, but when something goes wrong, there can be tragic and life-changing consequences. At the Birth Injury Law Alliance, Ltd., we can advise you of how to proceed after a maternal or infant injury related to a Cesarean delivery, and we can represent you in a claim of medical negligence as you seek fair compensation for your losses. Call us at 312-462-4200 to request a free consultation with our Illinois birth injury lawyers.




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