Surgical Interventions for Addressing Birth Injuries | IL

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Surgical Interventions for Addressing Birth Injuries: What You Need to Know in Illinois

 Posted on March 06,2024 in Birth Injury

Illinois birth injury lawyerBirth injuries can be a very emotional experience for families. In Illinois, surgical interventions are often necessary to address these injuries and provide the best possible outcome for the mother and child. Understanding the types of surgical interventions available and what to expect can help families navigate this difficult time with confidence. If you or your child has suffered a birth injury, contact an experienced attorney who can bear the burden of the legal side of your injury while you help your family recover.

Most Common Forms of Surgical Intervention for Birth Injuries 

A cesarean section (C-section) is arguably the most common form of surgical intervention for birth injuries. A C-section may be recommended if there are complications during labor or if the baby is in distress. This surgical procedure involves making an incision in the mother’s abdomen and uterus to deliver the baby safely. While a C-section is a major surgery, it is generally safe and can help prevent further injury to the baby during birth. 

In cases where a baby experiences shoulder dystocia during birth, surgical interventions such as brachial plexus repair may be necessary. Shoulder dystocia occurs when the baby’s shoulder becomes stuck behind the mother’s pubic bone during delivery, leading to potential nerve damage in the baby’s arm. Repairing a brachial plexus involves surgically repairing the nerves in the baby’s arm to restore function and mobility. 

For babies experiencing brain injuries during birth, surgical interventions such as ventriculoperitoneal (VP) shunt may be recommended. A VP shunt is a surgical procedure that involves placing a thin tube in the baby’s brain to drain excess fluid and relieve pressure. This can help prevent further damage to the brain and improve the baby’s overall prognosis. 

What Else Parents Need to Know About Birth Injuries

In addition to understanding the types of surgical interventions available, families should also be aware of their legal rights in case a birth injury happens. If a birth injury is the result of medical negligence or malpractice, families may be entitled to compensation to help cover medical expenses, ongoing care, and other related costs. 

By staying informed and working closely with healthcare providers and legal professionals, families can navigate the complexities of surgical interventions for birth injuries in Illinois with confidence and ensure the best possible outcome for the situation.

Contact Our Chicago, IL Birth Injury Lawyer

If you or your child was injured in the birthing process, our passionate Cook County, IL birth injury attorneys with Birth Injury Law Alliance, Ltd. can help. Call 312-462-4200 for a free consultation.

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