Role of Speech Therapy for Children With Cerebral Palsy | IL

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The Role of Speech Therapy for Children With Cerebral Palsy

 Posted on December 15,2023 in Cerebral Palsy

TX injury lawyerCerebral palsy (CP) is a group of disorders affecting movement and coordination that arises in early childhood. Besides impacting mobility, CP can also affect a child’s ability to swallow, eat, and communicate. Speech therapy plays a vital role in managing these challenges. If you have not had legal help with your child developing CP, a Texas injury lawyer can help with the process.

Assessing Speech and Language Skills

A speech-language pathologist thoroughly evaluates children with CP to identify any speech, language, or swallowing difficulties. Common issues include dysarthria (muscle weakness inhibiting speech), apraxia (difficulty coordinating oral movements), and language delays. Testing helps determine strengths, weaknesses, and goals for therapy. Ongoing assessment tracks progress over time.

Improving Communication Abilities

Speech therapists use various techniques to improve communication skills in children with CP. Oral motor exercises help strengthen muscles involved in speaking, chewing, and swallowing. Children may practice coordinating lips, tongue, and jaw to produce sounds more clearly. Therapists also work on relaying messages using communication devices when speech itself is extremely difficult.

Supporting Classroom Success

Unclear, disjointed speech can negatively impact school performance and peer interactions. Speech therapists help kids better articulate words, modulate vocal pitch and loudness, improve fluency, and expand vocabulary. Setting classroom goals around verbal participation, oral presentations, and conversational skills can build confidence. Therapists also educate teachers and parents on promoting communication.

Preventing Aspiration Pneumonia

Children with CP often have trouble swallowing safely because of uncoordinated mouth and throat muscles. Food or saliva can accidentally enter the airway and lungs, leading to aspiration pneumonia. Speech therapists teach positioning, pacing, and dietary modifications to minimize this serious risk. Guidance around feeding tubes may also help manage swallowing difficulties in the long term.

When to Seek a Lawyer for Help

If your child developed cerebral palsy due to a preventable medical error, consulting with a personal injury attorney may be beneficial. Birth injuries from oxygen deprivation, improper use of medication or instruments, or failure to order a necessary c-section often constitute grounds for a malpractice lawsuit

Securing potential compensation can lessen the financial burden incurred from years of speech therapy, medications, equipment, modified transportation, home healthcare, and other necessities. An attorney can help with the litigation process on your behalf so you, as parents, can prioritize time with your child. They may also connect your family to medical experts, life-planning services, and support groups. Pursuing legal remedies provides families with added options to make the best decisions for their children.

Contact a Cook County, IL Birth Injury Attorney

Starting speech therapy early and continuing through various developmental stages helps ensure the best possible prognoses for children with cerebral palsy. Ongoing collaborative care between speech-language pathologists, families, educators, and healthcare providers is key to boosting communication abilities and quality of life. A Chicago, IL birth injury lawyer can help you with the proper resources and legal help. Call Birth Injury Law Alliance, Ltd. at 312-462-4200 for a free consultation.

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