Common Injuries From Pitocin Misuse | Illinois

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Common Injuries From Pitocin Misuse

 Posted on January 05,2024 in Birth Injury

IL injury lawyerThe synthetic hormone medication Pitocin is frequently used to enhance contractions to advance prolonged labor during childbirth. However, misusing this high-risk drug often causes harm to both mothers and newborns. Understanding some of the most common Pitocin-related delivery injuries provides insight into the impacts of medication negligence. If you identify with one or more of the common injuries, along with misuse of Pitocin, an Illinois birth injury lawyer can help determine if you have a potential case.

Maternal Infections and Bleeding

Administering Pitocin requires an IV line placed directly into a blood vessel which risks introducing bacteria leading to maternal infections. Additionally, stronger than normal contractions triggered by improper Pitocin dosing commonly cause damage to the birth canal and uterus resulting in internal tearing, hemorrhaging, and excessive postpartum bleeding needing transfusions or hysterectomies.

Oxygen Deprivation Effects

Excessively strong or poorly timed contractions incited by Pitocin interfere with consistent oxygen flow to the fetus. Depriving the baby’s developing brain of oxygen for even brief periods leads to hypoxic-ischemic encephalopathy causing cerebral palsy, developmental delays, vision and hearing loss, epilepsy, and motor disorders through early childhood.

Premature Birth Complications

When staff rushes to delivery with Pitocin too early, premature infants suffer lifelong effects of underdeveloped organs like chronic lung disease, intestinal problems, weakened immune function, and neurological damage. Babies born too early also often experience feeding difficulties and blood disorders like anemia, jaundice, and vision loss.

Shoulder Dystocia and Nerve Damage

Incorrect use of Pitocin during labor and pushing raises risks of shoulder dystocia where an infant’s shoulder gets trapped behind the mother’s pelvic bone. Excessive pulling and twisting maneuvers to dislodge the baby further crush fragile nerves and tissues in the neck and arm area leading to Erbs or Klumpke’s palsy causing paralysis.

Neonatal Respiratory Distress

Babies exposed to Pitocin face triple the rate of developing neonatal respiratory distress from lack of surfactant production in underdeveloped lungs causing fluid buildup and poor oxygen circulation. Struggling newborns require machine ventilation, supplemental oxygen support, or ECMO procedures to survive the initial hours after traumatic births.

By understanding Pitocin’s ability to harm when staff ignore safety guidelines, patients and legal advocates gain tools to enhance accountability around proper administration. Compelling better oversight, monitoring, and adjustment protocols protect more vulnerable mothers and infants from devastating preventable injuries during the profound process of childbirth.

Contact a Chicago, IL Birth Injury Lawyer

If you suspect Pitocin being used improperly led to you or your baby experiencing an injury, you may have a case. A Cook County, IL birth injury attorney can help with the evidence you currently have and see what the next step you should take may be. Call Birth Injury Law Alliance, Ltd. at 312-462-4200 for a free consultation.

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