Common Types of Birth Injuries and Their Causes | IL

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Common Types of Birth Injuries and Their Causes

 Posted on February 22,2024 in Birth Injury

IL injury lawyerBirth injuries are a devastating reality for many families, with long-lasting consequences for both the child and the parents. These injuries can occur due to a variety of reasons, ranging from medical negligence to unforeseen complications during childbirth. If a birth injury has affected you and your family and you want answers, contact an experienced lawyer to get the high-quality legal assistance you need.

Here Are the Birth Injuries You Need to Know About

Among the most common birth injuries is cerebral palsy, a group of disorders that affect a child’s movement and muscle coordination. Cerebral palsy can be caused by oxygen deprivation during birth, which may occur due to complications such as umbilical cord compression or placental abruption. In some cases, medical negligence, such as failure to monitor fetal distress or improper use of delivery instruments, can also contribute to the development of cerebral palsy.

Another common birth injury is Erb’s Palsy, which affects the nerves in the baby’s shoulder and arm. This condition can occur during a difficult delivery, such as when the baby’s shoulder gets stuck behind the public bone, also known as shoulder dystocia. Excessive force during delivery, improper handling of the baby’s head and neck, or failure to perform a timely cesarean section can all increase the risk of Erb’s Palsy.

Brachial plexus injuries are also prevalent during childbirth, often resulting from stretching or tearing of the nerves in the baby’s neck and shoulder area. This injury can lead to weakness or paralysis in the affected arm. Risk factors for brachial plexus injuries include considerable birth weight, breech presentation, and prolonged labor.

In addition to these physical injuries, birth trauma can also have a significant impact on the child’s cognitive and developmental abilities. Hypoxic-ischemic encephalopathy (HIE) is a type of brain injury caused by oxygen deprivation and poor blood flow to the baby’s brain. HIE can result from complications such as placental insufficiency, umbilical cord problems, or maternal infections.  

Contact Our Chicago, IL Birth Injury Lawyer 

Parents need to be aware of the common types of birth injuries and their potential causes to advocate for their child’s well-being and seek legal recourse if necessary. If a birth injury is suspected to be the result of medical negligence or malpractice, consulting with a skilled attorney training in medical malpractice can help families understand their rights and options for pursuing compensation. Contact the experienced Cook County, IL birth injury attorneys with Birth Injury Law Alliance, Ltd. for legal guidance during this difficult time. Call 312-462-4200 for a free consultation.

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