Types of Medical Errors That Can Cause Cerebral Palsy | Illinois

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Types of Medical Errors That Can Cause Cerebral Palsy

 Posted on December 07,2023 in Cerebral Palsy

Cook County Birth Injury Lawyer

Cerebral palsy (CP) is a group of disorders affecting movement and muscle tone caused by damage to the developing brain. Although there are some genetic and developmental causes of CP, a significant percentage of cases are due to preventable medical errors during labor and delivery. If you believe medical negligence led to your child developing cerebral palsy, you may have grounds for a lawsuit. You should be aware of some of the most common medical errors that can result in cerebral palsy. An Illinois lawyer can help you if your child has been diagnosed with cerebral palsy.

Failure to Recognize or Respond to Fetal Distress

During labor, physicians monitor the fetus for signs of oxygen deprivation or distress through devices like continuous fetal heart rate monitoring. Doctors look for concerning patterns indicating cord compression or placental issues. Failure to recognize concerning changes in heart rate patterns or to perform interventions in a timely manner, like an emergency C-section, can lead to lack of oxygen, causing brain damage and CP.

Errors During Delivery

Difficult deliveries that require vacuum extraction or forceps carry risks of infant injury if not performed correctly. Excessive lateral traction with forceps can damage nerves and cause bleeding in the brain. Failure to manage shoulder dystocia appropriately can deprive the infant of oxygen. These errors may lead to spastic CP.

Infections During Pregnancy or Delivery

Infections during pregnancy, like cytomegalovirus (CMV), rubella, toxoplasmosis, and syphilis, can cross the placenta and damage the fetal brain, resulting in CP after birth. These infections can cause inflammation and cell death in the developing brain. Improperly treated maternal infections around delivery, like chorioamnionitis, Group B strep,  and urinary tract infections, can also lead to fetal infection, sepsis, and resulting brain damage.

Premature Birth Complications

Very premature infants face numerous medical risks that can damage the still-developing brain. However, some brain bleeds, like intraventricular hemorrhage and other complications, can be caused or exacerbated by substandard neonatal intensive care unit (NICU) treatment. This may include medication errors or lack of proper monitoring.

Contact a Chicago, IL Birth Injury Attorney

If you believe medical negligence during your pregnancy, delivery, or your child’s neonatal care led to their CP diagnosis, contact a Cook County, IL birth injury lawyer. You deserve to know what rights you have in a case like this. Call Birth Injury Law Alliance, Ltd. at 312-462-4200 for a free consultation to see what you should do next for you and your family to seek the potential justice you can get.

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