Chicago Birth Injury Lawyers | Cerebral Palsy Lawsuit Attorney Illinois

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What Are the Signs of Cerebral Palsy?

 Posted on November 09,2023 in Cerebral Palsy

Chicago Birth Injury Attorney

In many cases, birth injuries are a result of medical negligence during or after childbirth. But sometimes, it can be difficult to know the signs and symptoms of cerebral palsy. If your child suffered such an injury, you may be eligible for financial compensation to help cover the ongoing costs of their condition. You will need an Illinois birth injury attorney to help you with your case.

Is Cerebral Palsy Hard to Diagnose?

Cerebral palsy is the most common motor disability affecting children in the United States, yet it often goes undiagnosed until children reach the ages of three to five. This condition comes in different forms, and its signs and symptoms can vary. For parents, being aware of potential symptoms related to their child's physical development is crucial.

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What Can I Do If I Suspect the Hospital is Responsible for My Child’s Cerebral Palsy?

 Posted on November 09,2023 in Cerebral Palsy

Watching your child with cerebral palsy go through therapy is undeniably challenging and emotionally difficult. It is a heart-wrenching experience to witness their struggle and discomfort as they work hard to overcome physical and cognitive obstacles. Cerebral palsy is a condition that can significantly impact a person's life. It affects muscle control and coordination and can lead to various challenges. The treatments can be expensive. An Illinois birth injury lawyer can help show a hospital's legal responsibility in cases of cerebral palsy development due to medical negligence so that it can help you pay for the necessary care and treatment of your child.

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What Can I Do If My Baby is Facing Cerebral Palsy?

 Posted on October 26,2023 in Cerebral Palsy

Chicago birth injury lawyerThe process of childbirth is difficult enough, but when something goes wrong, it can be a daunting ordeal for both the mother and the newborn. Any injuries sustained during this crucial moment can lead to severe, long-lasting consequences. Brain damage in infants can be particularly devastating, often resulting in conditions such as cerebral palsy. It is essential for parents to grasp the potential causes of these injuries such as neonatal encephalopathy, available treatments, and the lasting impacts they can have. You need an Illinois attorney who can help guide you and protect your rights.

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Can a C-Section Lead to Cerebral Palsy in My Baby?

 Posted on October 20,2023 in Cerebral Palsy

IL injury lawyerChildbirth happens every day in hospitals across the United States. That is why doctors and staff are trained to prevent injuries during labor and delivery. If a child is at risk of injury during a vaginal birth, a Cesarean section, or C-section as it is commonly known, may have to be done. But like with any surgery it comes with its share of risk, and it could lead to cerebral palsy. You need an Illinois attorney who is skilled at determining if medical negligence played a role in injuries that occurred during a Cesarean delivery.

When Is Cesarean Delivery Necessary?

A C-section involves making an incision in the mother's abdomen to remove the child from the uterus. When a natural birth is likely to put a child or mother at risk of injury, doctors may opt for Cesarean delivery. If labor stalls and is not progressing, or if there are signs of fetal distress, a C-section may be necessary, especially in these cases:

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Should I Get an Attorney If I Think My Child Has Cerebral Palsy?

 Posted on October 12,2023 in Cerebral Palsy

IL injury lawyerIn the United States, for every 1,000 babies born, about three will be diagnosed with cerebral palsy by the time they are 8 years old. It is the most common cause of childhood disability in the country. [[Title]] specializes in cases related to cerebral palsy. If your child suffered a birth injury due to someone's negligence, taking legal action in Illinois involves understanding the signs and symptoms of cerebral palsy. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) estimates that 90 percent of all cerebral palsy cases are the result of damage to the brain occurring during pregnancy or childbirth. An Illinois birth injury attorney will be able to guide you and offer legal support to ensure that those responsible for your child’s medical condition are held responsible and try to get you the compensation you deserve. 

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How Long After Birth Can I File a Cerebral Palsy Claim?

 Posted on October 05,2023 in Birth Injury

IL injury lawyerIt is heartbreaking to realize that medical mistakes during childbirth may have caused your baby’s birth injury. When you found out that your child had cerebral palsy, your first instinct was to give them all the love and care they needed, 24/7. But you should seek legal counsel quickly. Taking care of a child with cerebral palsy can be really tough and exhausting. These types of medical errors create lifelong challenges for both your child and your family. If you are worried about the long-term expenses and you want to take legal action against the people responsible for your child's injuries, you need an Illinois birth injury attorney who can look into the possibility of filing a medical malpractice lawsuit for the birth injuries your child has experienced.

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Could Labor Problems Cause Cerebral Palsy in Your Child?

 Posted on September 29,2023 in Cerebral Palsy

Untitled---2023-09-29T093334.628.jpgDiscovering that your child has a lifelong condition that might have been avoided is a gut-wrenching experience. A long childbirth can sometimes result in cerebral palsy and other potential health challenges for your baby. Now, your child may be looking at a future with restricted independence and ongoing treatments, depending on how severe the condition is. If you suspect medical negligence during your pregnancy, labor, delivery, or neonatal care, you need an Illinois birth injury attorney to fight for you and your child and support you every step of the way.

How Can Medical Negligence Lead to Cerebral Palsy?

Cerebral palsy arises from brain damage, often occurring during or shortly after childbirth, impacting a child's mobility and balance. This condition has a lifelong impact on your child's life.

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Is your Baby Suffering from Erb’s Palsy due to Medical Negligence?

 Posted on September 20,2023 in Birth Injury

Untitled---2023-09-20T101002.447.jpgBringing a new life into the world is an incredible moment filled with joy and anticipation. But sometimes, the process of childbirth can lead to unexpected challenges, like a birth injury. One of the most common birth injuries is Erb's Palsy, which can be distressing for both parents and newborns. About 12,000 babies are born with this birth injury and if your child is one of them, you need an Illinois birth injury attorney who can help you get the financial compensation you need.

What is Erb’s Palsy?

Erb's Palsy, also known as brachial plexus birth palsy, is nerve injury to a baby’s shoulder and arm, often because of excessive force during delivery. Medications such as oxytocin or an epidural during labor are also contributing factors.

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What Can I Do If My Baby Suffered from Meconium Aspiration?

 Posted on September 11,2023 in Birth Injury

Untitled---2023-09-11T095842.161.jpgThe arrival of a newborn brings immense happiness and optimism. It is difficult to fathom that one of the primary reasons for sickness and mortality in newborns is their initial struggle to breathe upon entering the world. This health issue arises when the baby's first stool, known as meconium, enters the amniotic fluid during labor and delivery. Regrettably, meconium aspiration birth injuries affect about five to ten percent of all births. You need an Illinois birth injury attorney who can help you and your family seek the compensation that you deserve.

How Could My Newborn Have Been Injured During Delivery?

Meconium is the initial fecal matter discharged by a newborn shortly after birth before they start feeding. Occasionally, a baby expels meconium while still in the womb. When the baby inhales this fluid into their lungs, it can be very difficult to breathe and lead to a condition called meconium aspiration syndrome or MAS. This meconium can obstruct the infant's air passages due to inflammation and swelling of the baby's lungs.

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What Can I Do If Pitocin Injures My Baby?

 Posted on September 05,2023 in Birth Injury

Untitled---2023-09-05T103654.459.jpgIn some cases involving childbirth, there may be a medical need to induce labor to ensure the safe delivery of the baby. In cases where labor is not progressing as expected, doctors may resort to using a medication called Pitocin. Unfortunately, the wrong dosage of Pitocin could potentially be harmful to the mother or the baby. If you believe that your child has suffered a birth injury linked to the use of Pitocin, you need the help of an Illinois birth injury attorney who can help you make sure that those responsible for your baby’s injuries are held accountable.

What is Pitocin?

Pitocin is a drug that is given to some women to induce labor. Because it is given through an IV continuously, contractions are closer together and stronger. Doctors should give the medication correctly and then monitor the mother’s and the baby’s heart rate. If there are any signs of distress the medication should be adjusted or a C-section may be needed to prevent injury to the baby.

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